Magic: The Cosplaying

Magic: The Gathering

Are You Ready For Some Cosplay Magic? There are a few franchises great for cosplayers. Marvel and D.C. are the classic choices—as they have a huge catalog of characters—but, with a new series on Netflix soon, and a growing fanbase even now: have you considered Magic: The Gathering? Yep, that nerdy card game you’ve seen […]

Rick And Morty Might Be The Perfect Cosplay

Rick And Morty

While it’s not unheard of for there to be multiple incarnations of characters within a show’s canon, there is one series where not only does it make sense for many to be walking around in the same area—but it’s actively a part of cosplaying as the character. And that is Rick and Morty. Now, obviously […]

The Joy Of Costume Builders And Buyers


Cosplay lets someone express themselves through a character. And, though there’s a lot to be impressed about with handmade costumes, there’s no shame in purchasing things to cosplay. Making a whole outfit is an endeavor. It’s hard work and can be expensive. It does not make someone an undedicated fan if they cannot find the […]