The Cosplay That Moves

Walking Cosplay 2 Featured Compressed

I’ve seen a lot of impressive cosplays now. Stuff so show-accurate it’s actually astonishing it’s not a costume made by the television crew. I’ve seen cosplays that are basically art pieces, taking the idea of characters and changing them in fascinating ways.

But the thing I find most impressive about cosplayers is when they make suits move that shouldn’t possibly be able to move.

How To Avoid Catching A Case of The Con Flu

Con Flu

Longtime cosplayers don’t need to be told this, but, for the uninitiated, a “con flu” is the surprisingly common issue of someone getting sick right after they leave a convention. Though it’s not necessarily a flu: often the disease is an annoying cold with coughing and sneezing. This likely happens because when you put that […]

Five Christmas Characters To Cosplay That You’ve Probably Never Heard Of Before

Obscure Christmas 6

Thanksgiving is over, Black Friday was chaotic as always, and now it’s officially time to get into the Christmas season. And while it’s feasible to make any cosplay Christmas-themed (a red and white hat works for almost anyone), let’s talk about some Christmas characters that don’t get as much love.

Cosplay Care: Top Four Snacks For Cosplaying

Cosplay Care Crackers Featured

Cosplaying can be hungry work. So, in this entry of Cosplay Care, we’ll look at a problem that comes hand in hand with dehydration: feeding a cosplayer. The food available at a convention center, or at nearby restaurants, are not necessarily going to be suited well to high-energy days of walking around. If outside food is allowed at the con you’re attending, making sure you have snacks on hand is a must.

Cosplay Care: Heat Exhaustion

Heat Exhaustion

Cosplaying can be physically demanding. It’s an art form that sometimes takes a lot out of a person during a day. So, to help cosplayers and friends of cosplayers have as much safe fun as possible, we’ll be doing a mini-series for a little while. It’ll cover a few things to account for when going out in costume.