Cosplay Care: Top Four Snacks For Cosplaying

Cosplay Care Crackers Featured

Cosplaying can be hungry work. So, in this entry of Cosplay Care, we’ll look at a problem that comes hand in hand with dehydration: feeding a cosplayer. The food available at a convention center, or at nearby restaurants, are not necessarily going to be suited well to high-energy days of walking around. If outside food is allowed at the con you’re attending, making sure you have snacks on hand is a must.

Cosplay Care: Heat Exhaustion

Heat Exhaustion

Cosplaying can be physically demanding. It’s an art form that sometimes takes a lot out of a person during a day. So, to help cosplayers and friends of cosplayers have as much safe fun as possible, we’ll be doing a mini-series for a little while. It’ll cover a few things to account for when going out in costume.

Why Costume Designers Are Awesome

Costume Designers

Considering many great cosplays come from them, I figured it was time to give credit to the costume designers of the world. The people whose job it is to come up with the clothing that some of our favorite characters wear. They get not enough appreciation. Costume designers are way more than just the people […]