4 Ice-Based Cosplays For The Winter


It’s cold outside. I live in Florida, and though most people wouldn’t consider the temperature that bad here, it still feels cold to me. And it got me thinking about characters that have snow/ice powers, or even just have that as a theme. It’s visually distinct, certainly. Which dovetails quite nicely into cosplay.

Top 5 Easiest Doctor Who Alien Cosplays

Doctor Who

With the new season/series of Doctor Who releasing, it seems like as good a time as any to go over how amazing Doctor Who is for cosplaying. Because the series almost always uses humanoids for its species and has almost always been working from a fairly limited set of options, its designs are perfect for the average cosplayer.

5 Melting Cosplays For This Brutal Summer


It’s hot outside. We’re in the depth of summer, and the heat is beating down. And there’s nothing much to do about it day-to-day except keep cool, drink water, and stay out of direct sunlight. But we can have a little fun with it—a little morbid humor.