Ready To Bring Your Next Big Group Hangout To A Convention?
We’ve covered cosplays for couples, but what if you’re in a group? What if you and four others want to impress at the next convention? Well, we’ve got five solid choices for groups of five. Some of these even have mix-and-match options depending on what group you’re going with. And, no—they’re not all Marvel/D.C. teams. That would be too easy.
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (And Ally)

For ambitious cosplayers, this is a great challenge. You can go full turtle suits. It’s also a cosplay with a few mix-and-match options for the fifth slot. There’s April O’Neil, Casey Jones, Splinter, and the obscure Venus de Milo. She’s a female turtle who’s only shown up a few times. Honestly, the TMNT universe has enough characters to probably fill a whole other list.
Power Rangers

I’m fond of the Dino Thunder and Mystic Force teams, but that’s because I grew up watching those. With any normal-suited Rangers, it’s not overly hard to make the costumes. You basically craft the same thing five times with different colors. Once it’s done, strike a pose with your friends and enjoy the power of morphing.
Justice League/The Avengers/Teen Titans/ETC

I’m not cheating by filling the list with the obvious. Instead, they get one entry for them all. Because of how massive these teams have grown over the years, you’ve got options. You could even do a crossover and have The Hulk stand alongside Batman, with a helping hand from The Human Torch and comic relief from Plastic Man and Deadpool. There are thousands of combinations.
K.N.D. Sector V

Not the first time I’ve referenced this show, and it likely will not be the last. These five characters have distinct looks, and their technology is made of random bits—a crafting project waiting to happen. To flip the script, however, you can also go as their villains. There’s an episode (S4, Ep1b) where five of their “evil adult” enemies take over the treehouse.
Team Avatar

Want to have all the elements represented in your cosplaying? Team Avatar has a good mix of colorful outfits and is instantly recognizable. If you and your friends want to go deep, you can all learn a few moves from the bending styles. Unless you’re Sokka, then you can learn a few stances with a sword or boomerang.
And that’s the list. Things are usually better with friends, and cosplaying is one of them. So, gather everyone up, make a day of it, and have some fun!